Theatre "Macbeth"

On Feb. 11, 2019 we had the opportunity to attend a performance of William Shakespeare’s play ‘‘Macbeth‘‘ in the Akzent-Theater.


In our English class we dealt with Shakespeare’s plays long before our theatre visit. During the lessons we specialised on‚ "Macbeth". In order to be prepared and understand the plot, we read a lot of summaries, watched trailers and recreated scenes from the play. We had a lot of fun doing this as you can see in the photographs.

The three witches

Recreation scene 1

Dressing up as a witch

The play lasted about an hour and a half. An obstacle was the language because this play was written 400 years ago, in the contemporary language. Since we had read different summaries of the plot before going to the theatre it was not difficult for us to understand the stage performance. Although the stage itself did not provide a lot of special equipment to make us believe we were in Scotland - the setting of the play -  the lightening and the occasionally used smoke were enough special effects. Later we discussed the differences between the plot summaries we had read, and the actual stage performance. We also discussed quotes such as "Look like the innocent flower. But be serpent under it.‘‘ This quote refers to Lady Macbeth who looks innocent for other people but she is the one who convinces Macbeth to kill the king.